Untitled (#151), 2007, Adam Bell (29x29 Benefit Portfolio)
Just wanted to post another reminder about the 29x29 benefit show/portfolio at the Bruce Silverstein Gallery (Project Space), 529 W. 20th Street (3rd Floor), up this weekend (April 19th-21st). The portfolio is being sold to benefit The Center for Arts Education - a fantastic organization that promotes arts education in NYC public schools - and includes work from 29 SVA MFA Photo alumni from 2004-06. (I contributed the image above, from my 2006-07 series Star Maps.) For a partial list of the contributors, see my post below, or check out all the work and contributors here.
All the photographs are currently on display through Sat, but the
portfolio, which comes in a gorgeous red portfolio case, can be viewed
at the Bruce Silvertein Gallery or online here.