John Gossage and Loosestrife Editions have just published Putting Back the Wall, the final volume in Gossage's Berlin Series, which also includes the excellent Berlin in the Time of the Wall. Comprised of photographs from 1982-89, the book explores the psychological territory of the Berlin wall. Although documentary in the loosest sense, Gossage's poetic images "promise clarity - yet deliver only mystery or might promise invention and fiction - yet actually deliver truth."

Although the Berlin Wall is the central focus of the work, the two volumes use the wall as a touch stone to explore the forgotten and unwanted histories, the fragmented landscapes and detris that surround the wall and city. While Gossage's work began as a trip to exhibit photographs and conduct a workshop at the Werkstatt für Fotografie in Kreuzburg, it has evolved into deep engagement with the German political and social landscape.

Using the book as the primary vehicle and statement of his work, Gossage has produced a powerful and unique body of work. From The Pond to Putting Back the Wall, Gossage's work continues to explore the nature of the politicized landscape in fascinating ways. The book also includes two excellent essays by Gerry Badger and Thomas Weski. You can get a copy here and here.